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Kyoto protocol v/s Copenhagen

[ Monday, April 26, 2010 | 1 comments ]
Temperatures seem to rise at the global summit in Copenhagen , there seems to be no consensus emerging to battle global warming that is threatening to ruin the eco-system of countries-rich and poor alike round the world. The evidence is mounting –from the rising water levels in Bangladesh to the melting polar ice sheets in the Arctic.

The block of developed countries attempts to lay down the climate change burden onto the shoulders of the developing countries disregarding the fact that they (West) are responsible for at least 60 % of the total CO2 emission. Yet, they have been insisting that the developing countries take on legally binding and specific obligations to reduce their carbon emission. They conveniently turn a blind eye to their own outcomes and consequences in defecting the green earth.
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Sharing Suffering Chain

By David Buhril
Memories, Recollection, and Personal Account of the March 2007 Rally The Simmer and the Spill
The protracted fighting between the Indian armies and the Manipur valley based militants in the “liberated zones” in Manipur’s Chandel district had a heavy toll on the innocent Kukis, the indigenous inhabitants of the district. However, despite the great misery, it took time to activate David Buhrilcollective response to aid their deplorable plights. Our people inside those forgotten hills have been helplessly negotiating tides of imposed small war that not only robbed them of their humane existence, but also plunder their citizenship and democratic rights. Our people were internally displaced, which, in many cases, made their situations worse than that of the refugees.
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